The Analog and Digital Combine

Thank you! I’m trying to read your blog post so don’t stop.

I found this blog site a few weeks back. I have a very hectic schedule at the moment and don’t have too much time for writing.

But I do seem to have time for browsing what others write while I wait on the mundane waits in life, which normally translates to waiting in a line, waiting in a waiting room (probably the most obviously named room in the english language) or waiting for the dog to stop sniffing around and pee.

In these little moments, the phone comes out and I look at the recent posts. I’m fascinated by what you write. The honesty, the freeform, the choice of blog styles, the navigation tabs (I’m really happy with the “nope” and will be adding one soon), all of it.

I’m just really glad to be here. And I want to thank you all for your contributions. You make my world brighter.

And for those of you that think “no one will see this”. You are wrong. Someone will.

So keep writing please!